Genealogy Do Over and Legacy

Ancestors of Donald George Baulch

Thank you to those of you who asked how I envisage using Legacy’s To-Do Items as part of my Genealogy Do Over research log.

Here is my view of my April Article for VicGUM’s newsletter. The article was written in response to questions I have been asked about how I use Legacy’s To-Do List as my research log. For this month only my mailing list version of the article is given here with screenshots. Next month I shall revert to m

Legacy mailing list. As usual, a version with screen shots will be published in VicGUM’s newsletter.

In looking back on my Genealogy Do Over experience so far I have included some consideration of how I envisage using Legacy’s To-Do List for recording my research plan or goals as well as use Legacy’s To-Do List after the manner of Geoff Rasmussen in his book Legacy Family Tree Unlocked!

For some I hope it answers your questions. For others I hope that it encourages you to look at Thomas MacEntee’s Genealogy Do Over.

y usual practice of publishing a text only version on the Aus-

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